Friday 6 March 2015

4D Baby Scan: The Perfect Way to See Your Unborn Baby!

Expecting a baby is undeniably a highly exciting period of life and many expectant parents just can't wait to take a sneaky peak and see what  their unborn child will look like. As you know, 2D ultrasound scans have been used for several years as a routine method of monitoring pregnancies and are invaluable for medical practitioners to make sure that unborn child is developing properly without any kind of complications. However, these images have always been extremely popular but they do no really give much idea of what your baby will actually look.
Fortunately, 3D and 4D baby scan in Telford are available these days, which follow the principal related to 2D scan, except that you get a nice  three dimensional photograph instead of flat image that you see in conventional 2D scan. Also, it is possible to watch a live video of your child moving around inside you, you can clearly see many movements and some parents have been lucky enough to see their child sucking his/her thumb, playing with toes, all sorts of movements which make the child seem so much more real to them and helps to kick-start the bonding process long before the baby is even born.
Unlike a 2D scan where you have to drink liters of water just before the allocated time, you just have to drink plenty of water in the couple of weeks prior to the scan. It would ensure that the fluid around baby is clear and makes it possible to have a clearly defined picture of your unborn child. You will be amazed at the amount of detail you can see on these photographs. It is a truly amazing experience and one that is going to live with you for the rest of your life.
If you are interested in 4D baby scan in Telford, then you need to check whether your usual medical practitioner can offer the service. Most of the times, it is not the case but there are plenty of clinics available where you can have a 3D and 4D pregnancy ultrasound scan. Ensure that you choose a reputable clinic with fully qualified professionals which is necessary for the safety of you and of your unborn child.

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