Thursday 9 April 2015

Gender Scan: The Most Reliable Way to Predict the Sex of Your Baby

If you have decided to find out the gender of your unborn baby, the most common and reliable methods to use is through ultrasound. It is referred to as the foetal anatomy survey, and it is not conducted to determine the sex of the baby alone but to also discover foetal anomalies. Most expectant parents will have one between 18-26 weeks of pregnancy.

Gender Scan Newport
If you are undergoing gender scan in Newport, it would involve sending sound waves at a high frequency but with low power through the pregnant belly of the mom-to-be into the uterus. These ultrasound waves bounce back are sensed by the scanner when they come across the internal surfaces such as the uterus, placenta, and the foetus. The amount of waves that bounces back differs as they encounter various surfaces. The information gotten will produce an image of the foetus and its environment that displayed on the screen of the monitor.

The image generated during the scan can be used to check the growth and development of the baby as well as measure its size. The ultrasound scan can also be used to discover foetal anomalies including Down syndrome, cardiac anomalies, cleft palate as well as several physical malformations.

The sex of your baby is ascertained, by visually examining the image result produced by the ultrasound to check for the developing reproductive tissues. Otherwise known as genital tubercle in the first trimester, or rather inspect the penis that has developed in the later stages of pregnancy.

The accuracy of the gender scan depends on several factors including the position and age of the baby, the technician's level of expertise, the kind of equipment used, the baby's cooperation and a lot more. Also, an experienced technician will be well equipped with the right technique to use in order to get a clear view of the private part of the baby. It is paramount when trying to find out the gender of your baby using ultrasound.

Sexing Scan Newport

Another crucial factor that determines the accuracy of the ultrasound is the lying position of baby in a pregnant woman's uterus. If a baby's legs are crossed all through the duration of the test, it may prove difficult to determine its sex. There are outstanding positions the baby can take that will be more convenient and easy to determine the gender.

If you are going to take up the sexing scan in Newport, make sure that technician has to put certain factors into consideration. Although, the result can be misleading at times over 80% of the determination is usually accurate. Before going to get all pink or blue clothing and accessories, ensure the accuracy of the test is over 90% correct.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your informative article. I reckon 3d ultrasound and 4d ultrasound scan is best option to determine the early child health.
