Sunday 29 November 2015

What do You Understand by 3D Baby Scan

3D baby scan is the technique that can provide a three dimensional view of the unborn baby of an expecting mother. In obstetrics, the scanning technology is used to observe the health of the foetus and its development inside the womb of the pregnant woman.

How is it performed?

The physician applies the ultrasound gel on the belly before performing the scan. The high frequency sound waves are discharged from the transducer through the abdomen. The hand-held probe receives the waves and at the end, high resolution 3D images of the moving foetus can be seen on the monitor. These sharp images give the view of the umbilical cord and placenta. Hence, making convenient to examine the health of the growing foetus. 

Characteristic of 3D baby scan
3D scan is best to perform around 27-34 weeks of pregnancy. It also enables the specialist to identify any abnormality in the unborn baby. With this, the doctor gives the feedback about the health of a child and a mother. This scan is done for numerous reasons like:
  • Confirm early pregnancy
  • Determine the breathing pattern of the unborn
  • Discover multiple births
  • Determine baby's sex
  • Depict the amniotic fluids levels. Excessive or lower levels can cause several abnormalities in foetus
  • Diagnose foetal malformation or  physical abnormalities
  • Find out baby's gestational age and size
  • Detect irregular bleeding and placental placement
Prenatal baby scan has become an essential part of the pregnancy. So, talk to your specialist in detail before going for a 3D baby scan. Monitor your pregnancy through these scans.

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